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Hot Folders import tool

Hot Folders import tool

Hot Folders

Synchronizing the LogicalDOC repository with each PCs  means it is easy to startup your document management, and everyone in your organization can quickly find documents without  training.

Importing documents from a PC to a LogicalDOC installation is so simple that nobody have to perform any tasks, you only have to configure the local folders to be inspected by the Hot Folders application.
LogicalDOC Hot Folders can be installed on any operating system and synchronizes the centralized document repository with the updates that occurs in the local folders. Once imported, the documents can be searched, versioned and shared among your staff.

You can use this feature to synchronize the work of a team of persons and a lot of business processes and administrative tasks can be automated using this approach.

Benefits of this feature

  • All the organization's documents are catalogued, versioned and full-text indexed without human data entry
  • You and your staff will be able to search and view the documents from the browser
  • The persons that just produce documentation don't need to be trained on LogicalDOC since they will work as usual, saving files in the same folders as before

Feature details

  • Multi-platform installer
  • Import from PC, Linux or Mac OS X folders
  • Replication of the folders tree (folders and sub-folders)
  • Inclusion / Exclusion filters on file names
  • Basic and Advanced scheduling
  • Graphical User Interface (NEW from version 1.2)
  • See also the Import from Folders

connection settings
target folder in logical
folder watch

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