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18 Septiembre 2009

LogicalDOC 4.6 available now!

Logical Objects is pleased to announce the new release 4.6 of the LogicalDOC DMS. This is not only a maintenance release, but adds some significant improvements and features.

Surely on the list of the most important new features we can insert the new module specifically for integration with Microsoft Active Directory and the ability to visually compose search queries on the parametrical search page.

Another important update regards on the plug-in of import documents from mailboxes (email accounts). This update adds the ability to import from IMAP boxes, and protected by SSL authentication and the ability to specify rules for the storage of emails in the archive of documents.

Finally, many thanks to the group of translators for the French language:
Manuel Le Boette, Maxime Leboeuf and François Blondel for contributing to the translation making LogicalDOC more usable in all French speaking countries.

The LogicalDOC development Team

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