25 Octubre 2018
Published LogicalDOC DMS - REST API v8.1.0

The documentation about LogicalDOC v8.1.0 REST API web-services is available online
The new documentation was published both on SwaggerHub at the following address: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/swatzniak/logicaldoc_rest_api/8.1.0
and online in the LogicalDOC documentation site https://docs.logicaldoc.com/resources/wsdoc/rest/index.html
In addition, a mini-application has been produced that, together with the LogicalDOC webapp in Tomcat, allows you to consult the documentation locally and to try live some commands.
You can download it from SourceForge.net at this address https://sourceforge.net/projects/logicaldoc/files/documentation/LogicalDOC%20CE%208.1/
The LogicalDOC's developers team